Sunday, June 10, 2012

This is what God's provision looks like. I hope that everyone has the experience of diving deep into conversation and know what it feels like to have someone's full attention. Look at the faces of Patrick and his wife Grace. They are not pretending to listen intently and intentionally. This is not a pose. This is who they are.

And to us it was manna from heaven. From 7:00 pm to 12:30 am Patrick and Grace made us feel like family. We arrive and are immediately invited to sit for conversation. They ask each of us about our backgrounds, our experiences so far in Kenya, and how our work is going.  Their two sons play around us as we talk and periodically ask their own questions. They are lively, inquisitive boys.  They are also bold: "Daddy, Daddy, don't you think that it is time you stop all this adult conversation?"

We move to dinner and the conversation moves to the lives of Patrick and Grace. They are genuine and even admit that being real is something they want to be.  They grew up poor in rural Africa and are now doctors.  Yes, there is a story there. Patrick attributes the success to Jesus and education. But not in that order. "Jesus came into my life and showed me who I really was, gave me my identity. He showed me that the fact I was born in Kenya, the way I talk and walk, my skin color, the way I think, none of it is by accident. I knew whose I was.  And then education." 

The evening played into my thoughts on approaching life in joy.  I am not an accident. It is easy to say this now as so much in my life is good. Yet, how mysterious this is, that even if my life takes a turn I do not foresee and do not desire...I am still not an accident.  I belong to Jesus and my life has purpose.  And he is working all things for good. All things. This brings a new perspective and opens up room for bringing joy into darkness. Because no one is an accident.  Even those with whom darkness seems to be a daily struggle. They are not accidents, who suddenly appeared to experience pain and misery and then death. Jesus is able to work good in their situations as well. As Patrick quoted, "God works all things for good. So if things are not good, then believe me brother, it is not the end."

1 comment:

Heather said...

Sorry it has been so long since I've been in touch. I found your blog via your Facebook page when I went to see what you were up to. I enjoyed reading about your time in Kenya so far and will be returning regularly to follow your adventures. I'll be praying for your time there! - Heather