Thursday, July 19, 2012

In 2009 I met the woman on the right while white water rafting the Gauley river in West Virginia. I'm the guy with the pointy hat who, depending on your perspective, is either giving a cool hand gesture or picking his nose.  It's actually both.

We are heading to Uganda this weekend to do some more rafting, this time on the Nile, at the place it begins.   The last time I saw the Nile it looked calm and serene as it made its way through Cairo to the Mediterranean.  Here is a photo someone put on google of their rafting trip.  The Nile is somewhat different here. We are going with the same company as these folks did, though it is hard to tell since the raft is flipping.

But rafting is not the only reason for our trip, it's really just an activity. We're celebrating our one year anniversary this weekend (Monday the 23rd is the actual date). One year.  I'll be posting my thoughts on one year of marriage when we return. I feel blessed.

(In other news, could the people who are finding this blog from,, and please write a comment on the blog? We don't think you're real. You too people from Russia. If you are real, we are so glad you are reading along. If you aren't real, we want you to go away...if that makes sense.)

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