Monday, July 23, 2012

I asked the taxi driver from Entebbe to Kampala what he thought of Ugandan politics.  He mentioned how the economy is bad and how the president is not helping. I asked him if things were better now than they were under Amin in the past. His answer? Oh no, Amin did many good things. He built roads, he built hospitals, many things that are still good today came from the Amin era. I asked him if he had seen the movie "The Last King of Scotland."  I told him that I think that movie made everyone in the West see the rule of Amin as the rule of a madman. He just laughed and talked of how some Ugandans would welcome Amin over the current president of Yoweri Museveni. Personally, I do not know what is what in this situation. I could not look at the taxi driver and counter-argue him by saying, What!?!? Didn't you see what Forest Whitaker did in scene 7?

We hear one thing and someone else hears and sees another. It makes me want to get in a dugout canoe and go fishing to rest my brain, like these folks on the Nile River where we stayed in Jinja.

This sign also made us want to rest our brains.

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